I recently had a conversation with a new acquaintance that started with the old question “what do you do exactly?” My answer to her query was rather short, but the dialogue that followed stayed with me and has prompted me to ask myself (more than a few times), “Can I wear too many hats and is being a jack-of-all-trades a product of an insatiable curiousity or a lack of commitment, amounting to being nothing at all?”
This is typically how the script plays out in my head:
Me: “What do you do? Give me your elevator pitch.”
Myself: “Would you like the long or short answer? And how many floors are we going up?”
Me: “You teach clients and staff day in and day out on the merits of a simple, clear and concise message and you can’t manage to do it yourself?”
Myself: “Well, it’s different. At least I think it’s different. What’s the weight limit in this elevator again?!”
Me: “You’ve got 15 seconds. Go! Do it!”
Myself: “Look, I’m going to take the stairs. I’ll meet you up there.” And here’s where I’m shot down the rabbit hole — I’m thinking to myself (as I’m talking to myself, not something to do without proper training) “Damn, I really do need that elevator pitch.”
So, as of today I’m sticking to the do-it-all storyline — I’m unable to shake loose the belief that knowledge is valuable currency — and while taking the stairs would be great for my health I’m going to commit to the elevator and work up my new pitch in the next week.
Check back to see where I’ve taken this. Or, better yet, take an inventory of your arsenal and ask yourself if you’re prepared for the simple question: “What do you do?” Then come back and get on the lift with me. I’d love to know your answer, your approach, your apprehensions.
Hats off to you!